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Nan's Anise Biscuits Recipe

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This recipe for Nan's Anise Biscuits is from His, Hers, and Ours, one of the cookbooks created at We'll help you start your own personal cookbook! It's easy and fun. Click here to start your own cookbook!


1 cup sugar
1/2 cup butter
3 eggs (reserve 1 yolk)
1 tsp. anise extract
3 cups all-purpose flour
1/2 tsp. salt
2 tsp. baking powder
1 tbs. milk
Multi-colored sprinkles (optional)

1. Cream sugar and butter.
2. Add eggs and beat well. Stir in anise extract.
3. Combine flour, salt and baking powder. Thoroughly blend into sugar and egg mixture.
4. On greased baking sheets, form dough into two long, flat loaves, 1/2 inch thick by 2 inches wide.
5. Combine reserved yolk and 1 tablespoon milk. Brush over top of loaves.
6. Bake at 375°F for 20 minutes. Remove from oven and cool slightly.
7. Cut into 1 inch diagonal slices. Replace on baking sheet, cut side down, and return to oven for 5 minutes on each side or until golden.
8. Cool on wire rack. Store in air tight container.

Personal Notes:
Personal Notes:
This is one of her several variations.




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